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Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sold more jerseys in May than numerous NFL superstars, including Denver Broncos linebacker Von Miller, cheap a league jerseys Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan and Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant.

NFL Shop released a list of last month's top-selling jerseys, cheap a league jerseys which showed Kaepernick in 17th place despite his current free-agent status.

His extended stint without a team has been the source of much debate.

Kaepernick became one of sports' most polarizing figures last season when he kneeled for the United States national anthem before games, cheap custom volleyball jerseys a choice other athletes soon followed. He explained his protest to Steve Wyche of last August.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," he said. "To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
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In May, while Kaepernick's jersey was outselling those of fellow quarterbacks like the Seattle Seahawks' Russell Wilson, Carolina Panthers' Cam Newton and New Orleans Saints' Drew Brees, Giants co-owner John Mara told Jenny Vrentas of The MMQB about fans' response to the protest.

"All my years being in the league,cheap custom volleyball jerseys I never received more emotional mail from people than I did about that issue," Mara said. "If any of your players ever do that, we are never coming to another Giants game. It wasn't one or two goalie jerseys  It was a lot. It's an emotional, emotional issue for a lot of people, moreso than any other issue I've run into."

The year is 2012. The setting is my house party, and by "house" I mean the railroad apartment I share with three women that once proffered a rat from a previously benign closet, and by "party" I mean a bunch of twenty-somethings smushed in a hot kitchen, taking Fireball shots. cheap giants jerseys On the table is a smattering of lightly tragic alcohol options, each brought over from a different partygoer's eclectic collection: a vodka with rosemary and olive oil in it that I got for free; a six-pack of High Life; powdered margarita mix; orange bitters that go with nothing. Spirits are high, despite the fact that we are drinking like cartoon thieves.

My friend Josh (names have been changed to protect the ridiculous) arrives, gripping something goopy-looking in his fist. "Here," he says, shoving it into my hand. "I brought this for the party." I look down at it. It is a small sandwich bag, cheap high quality jerseys zipped tightly, barely containing a sloshing brown liquid. I wonder, briefly, if it is Josh's urine and, consequently, if he is dying. But I look up at him, and he's smiling. "It's a plastic bag full of Jameson," he says. Later, I watch hazily as Josh, his Jameson long gone, drains my Svedka, which had been hiding in the freezer as my Secret Luxury Liquor for Special Occasions (other Great Recession survivors will recognize this desperate hoarding behavior).
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As a person who regularly throws house parties because she hates putting on bras, this sort of thing has happened to me dozens of times over the years, narrowing in insanity but increasing in bullshittery as I age. A man (it is always a man) arrives at my home, carrying either 1) nothing or 2) a weird amount of something acceptable 3) a normal amount of extremely shitty beer. cheap high quality jerseys He places it on my table or in my fridge as if it were a timeless gift, like a Swiss watch or a painless and permanent IUD. He proceeds, subtly but confidently, to totally abandon his own questionable offering in favor of my Secret Luxury Liquor, which I have started hiding in plain sight in hopes that its casual visibility will drain it of its seductive mystery. The party ends, and I find myself staring down a fridge exploding with expired Modelo, calmly telling my boyfriend that we will use our empty Bulleit bottle as a vase.



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