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Moneyball is a Brad Pitt movie based on Michael Lewis's book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, about the Oakland Athletics team and how its general manager Billy Beane used sabermetrics to change the team's fortunes. cheap jerseys direct nba (Or not, but you need to watch the movie or know the story). Moneyball the movie was released in the US this weekend and with an Aaron Sorkin script (West Wing, The Social Network, and Sports Night, possibly the best fictional TV show about sport, but that's another debate) has mostly received rave reviews. The promotional material describes it as "one of the greatest baseball movies ever made", but is it one of the best five?

The former Major League Baseball star Jose Canseco has been indulging in a very public meltdown on Twitter, reports NBC, cheap jerseys edmonton breaking up with long-term girlfriend Leila Shennib and then using the medium to try and find someone new, all in short, often badly spelt sentences ...The pair had been dating for almost two years when Shennib said she broke up with the player, who famously published a book claiming 85% of major league players took steroids. The break-up occurring after he “did [her] dirty” – a reference to specific events she did not wish to reveal further.

Canesco was angry and in now-deleted tweets got it off his chest, beginning with: “Be careful with woman who show off there tits and ass and think that’s a career,” moving on to: “I will never forget or forgive what u said to me leila ur evil,” before posting her telephone number, prompting a considerable number of hate messages from fans.Inevitably there was also philosophy: “love makes fools out of all us especially me”; cheap jerseys elite coupon code desperation: “Leila will you marry me please” and finally pity: “I made a total fool of myself for someone who never even cared about me. what an idiot I am.”

But like any love-sick teenager he soon bounced back and as a pro-athlete he managed it without a protracted period locked in his bedroom weeping to a soundtrack of the Smiths and Joy Division either: “Would love to meet a nice holesome midwest girl here in chicago. We play tomorrow night at 7 pm in zion if anyone is out there for me.”Sadly, there appear to have been few responses as soon after @ashleyarizona, a female twitterer, announced to her followers that she had been messaged by Canseco: “lmao [laughing my ass off] jose canseco hit on me via DM.” Fortunately she took a screen-grab as an example Canseco himself may wish to consult on just where he is going wrong with the ladies. cheap jerseys embroidered “Ur hot baby” it read.

The celebrations in Dallas after the Mavericks clinched the NBA Championship seem destined never to be forgotten, literally in one case as a fan’s find idle promises came back to haunt him. In the case of Derek Dilday, in tattooist’s ink. On his arse.“Once they got to the finals, cheap jerseys for sale especially against the Miami Heat, I may have got a little too excited and posted on Facebook that I would get Dirk Nowitzki’s face tatted on my ass if they won it all,” he told the Dallas Observer.“When Dirk lifted the Larry O’Brien and the MVP trophy it was the greatest sports moment of my life. I sports-cried, called a high school friend that does tattoos and have been on a Dallas Mavericks championship high ever since,” he continued.

The Observer headed the piece with the descriptive and amusing headline: “Why I Got This Tattoo of Dirk Nowitzki On My Ass (As If It’s Not Obvious)“ accompanied it with a picture of Nowitzki’s face disarmingly looming out of a right buttock and closed, gloriously with Dilday’s own cheerful sign-off: “Now I realise that I will be sitting on a big German man’s face for the rest of my life.”

A fairytale start for Thomas Bjorn at the Open created the potential for an extraordinary comeback story. cheap jerseys free shipping One, it seems, that the media believed was not going to last. How else to explain headline writers across the world all using their bankers after only one day’s play?“Bjorn Again!” trumpeted big bold letters in papers from Belfast to Sydney and Glasgow to Los Angeles and Auckland, as sports editors made the best of an opportunity that comes only with a Thomas or a Borg. With the latter now 55 years old, they dutifully flung the big typeface at Thomas with gleeful abandon.

With two exceptions. Congratulations to the Vancouver Sun for going with “Bjorn Supremacy”. And, intriguingly, to the Danish press where, consumed by the Tour de France, cheap jerseys from china nba Bjorn was barely to be seen at all. Instead, Ekstra Bladet went for drama and theatre, perhaps in a bid to pull in cycling fans put off by golf’s staid image, announcing: “Bjorn takes revenge on cursed hole.”The USA beat Brazil on penalties in a nail-biting quarter-final this week on their way to tomorrow’s Women’s World Cup final, but far from turning on their defeated side, some of the Brazilian press took an upbeat angle after the game.

Under the headline “The Beauty who once again stopped Brazil” O Globo waxed lyrical about US goalkeeper Hope Solo. She was the “beautiful green-eyed goalie who has charmed journalists,” said the paper alongside a fulsome profile.Journo do Brasil joined in, cheap jerseys from china review explaining that although Solo was “one of the reasons for the Brazilian’s departure from the Women’s World Cup,” she also “charmed everyone on Twitter, not so much for her talent in goal, but mainly for her beauty. Even the Brazilians could not get angry with the goalie.”

Indeed, the hashtag #goleiraeualinda, or “beautiful American goalie” was the No1 topic on Twitter in Brazil at the time and, although Journo did note that Daiane Menezes Rodrigues, who scored an own goal and missed a penalty, may be the villain of the piece, the fans had already adopted a new hero. “Hi Solo, my name is Bruno, live in Brazil. Marry me? Goalkeeper beautiful! Go United States!” enthused one new convert.



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